

Recipe on Rails
Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 1

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

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2 1/2dozenEgg
3/100poundPepper, Black
3/25poundGarlic Powder
1 1/4poundsCheese, Parmesan
15poundsGround Beef



Bread should be cubed.
Parsley should be chopped.
Cheese should be grated.

mix all ingredients for about 15 - 20 minutes.... bake at 450 till done.

**** Note that the salt was too much last time.
suggest reducing to 1/2 cup and check.... please update recipe when done
This note added 12/7/03
******* 2/24/04 *********
New batch with salt cut to 1/2 cup was much improved, and tasted fine, but Jan commented that she was very thirsty the rest of the night.... So we may have to cut a little more.

Also, this time, I tried a half pound of breadcrumbs instead of the bread. Meatballs were very solid... I think they need the lightness offered by the fresh bread. Maybe we want to try a combination next time.

Lastly, I cut the pepper to .04 and they were still a little peppery.... I'd go for .03 next time around... It's a lot of work to grind anyway...... Note added 2/24/04


8/26/18. Changed recipe consistent with comments above. Even at 1/3 cup salt, Jan felt they were still to salty, so I reduced it to 1/4 cup.

Makes 1 3/4 full sheet pans of meatballs.

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