FreeRange Chicken


Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 0

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

Author: FreeRange

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1st attempt
10teaspoonSalt, Morton Kosher
2teaspoonBaking Powder
1teaspoonPepper, Black



Mixed the dry rub


let the chick air dry in the fridge for about 5 hours (trying longer in the future).


Sprinkled the dry rub on the chicken


both sides


Then rubbed it in, tossing it in rub still in bowl.


Instructions did not call for a rack


Chicken was put back in the fridge for about 1.5 hours. It came out pretty dry, but just a hint of damp on the bottom. This would be resolved by using a rack. Here you can see both sides as I add some DP.


I finished the DP, and let it sit for about an hour. :(


Can you see the moisture? How about now? The chicken was pretty dry till I added the DP. Not sure how much sugar is in it (I used RedEye Express). I'm thinking the sugar melted, or something. Don't think it was the salt...


Put on the egg at 325 grid. Removed when internal hit about 140.


Raised grid temp to 500 and put back on.


At this point (sorry, I panicked and there are no pictures) I was worried about burning the chicken so I check it at about 5 minutes. Upon lifting the dome, the fat ignited. The whole egg was in flames, the foil melted. I was able to remove the chicken with it still in salvageable condition. As the temp dropped, I applied a bbq sauce. Put back on the egg at 325 again to finish sauce. NOTE at this point, the chicken was NOT done. Was hitting about 150.


After about 10 minutes it was at 165 internal and I pulled them. They were terrible and inedible. They were so salty, they burned your mouth. I feel this was a combination of the cooks rub and the DP.


Tomorrow, I'm going to try another batch with these changes:

1. Cutting the cooks salt in half
2. No DP. For now, I'm working on skin, not flavor. Once I can repeat a crisp skin, I'll work on the rub. I think the DP made the chicken sweat and contributed more salt.
3. When raising the temp from 325 to 500, gotta drain the drip pan first.
4. Gotta figure on 10 minutes (maybe 15) for chicken to finish. This means not opening the dome to reduce risk of fat igniting. Unfortunately, I don't have an insert probe that can take 500F, so we have to go by time.
5. Not going to worry about sauce at this point. All about crisp skin. Later, we'll have to see if we can sauce and go back in at 500 without ignition, or if we'll have to lower the temp again. Please post any comments and/or suggestions. I have 40# of chicken to play with this weekend ;)

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