Trim brisket making sure to leave some fat on top.
Let brisket come to room temp.
Inject with cool injection solution. To inject you insert the needle and move it around to make a pocket. Squeeze just a little in, and then release pressure on the syringe as you remove the syringe.
Let rest for about an hour or two.
Season liberally with DP Cow Lick. Let sit at least .5 hour.
Preheat egg to 235
Pull brisket at 165 and douse with Head Country Marinade. Rewrap and return to egg.
Pull brisket when flat registers about 200 (can be more, can be less) has to be done. Stick to your guns.... give it the time it needs.
Let sit 10 minutes, then pull off the point. Wrap the flat and store in cambro.
Trim the point of excess fat and stringers. Turn egg up to 250. Retrun point to fire.
Have to go by feel at this time. When point is done, it's done.
Paint top with a Head Country Sauce, regular, with some honey mixed in. Cook 30 minutes, turn, paint again, and cook again for another 30.