Prep Time: less than a minute

Servings: 9

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

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8Chicken Backsground
2Swiss Chardor other greens
1 3/10Chicken Liveror heart, etc.
1/4Grapes, Redground
5eachEggwhole, shell included
2/5Flax SeedGround in coffee grinder
3/25Kelp Powderground
3/50poundGarlicfresh, ground



Grind the chicken. You can use backs and necks, or whatever you want.


Without bothering to clean the grinder, grind the veggies, eggs (including shell), fruit, and offal. For the veggies using whatever you want, but the greener/brighter the better. Try to reduce starches like potatoes and squash, as well as sweet veggies like carrots. You can use some, just not in the majority. In sample above we used Swiss Chard and romaine, a zucchini and a yellow squash. For the offal, you can use a combination of heart, liver, gizzard, and kidney, but try to use 2/3 liver and 1/3 other.


Add the ground flax seed, yogurt, and kelp. Mix till uniform. Package.


I'm using the 1.75 HP grinder from Cabela's. While I don't know that all that power is needed, it surely makes grinding everything easy.

1 comments: (You must be logged in to leave a comment.)
Warren said,
about 16 years ago

As to how much to serve, it seems like the target is about 2.5% of the dogs desired weight. That said, with desired weight of about 55# for Alf, 65# for Neige, and 75# for Psycho, we came up with:

Alf - 1.45 #/day
Neige - 1.65 #/day
Tonto - 1.90 #/day

or, of a batch,
Alf gets 29%
Neige gets 33%
Tonto gets 38%

The recipe above makes about 15# which is perfect for 3 5# batches. We need 5# per day for all three dogs.

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