3# Shop Dough


Prep Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 3

Uploaded by:
   Warren Prince

Author: Warren Prince

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800gramsFlour, All Purpose
2 1/2gramYeast, Instant



Mix flour and water on low just till water is absorbed. This will not be a cohesive dough by any measure. Let sit for 10 minutes. The purpose of this delay is for the enzymes in the flour to activate. That activation can be stopped or delayed by the other ingredients. This process is called autolyse.


Add remaining ingredients and mix on low for a few minutes or until all ingredients are incorporated. Turn up speed to medium and mix till dough passes window pane test (about 10 minutes).


Turn out dough and fold a few times. Divide as desired. Should produce 3 1# doughs.


Roll each dough into a tight ball. Balls can be allowed to rise and stored in one of two ways. Especially for rolls, I prefer to place each in a pizza tin liberally coated with oil. Place in the tin, press down, flip over so both sides are coated with oil and press down some more. Cover and let sit.

Second option is to store the dough dry, in a dough box designed for pizza. I dust the box with some flour and place the balls so that they won't touch when allowed to rise. Cover box with another box or a lid.

1 comments: (You must be logged in to leave a comment.)
Warren said,
almost 2 years ago
3# Shop Dough

Adjusted on 1/6/23 by increasing flour by 30g and decrease of water by 1g

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